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15 a 17 de novembro de 2024.png

Angra do Heroísmo, Azores

15 - 17 NOVEMBRO 2024


In 2023, AR&PA heads to Angra do Heroísmo, on Terceira Island - Azores, and dedicates itself to the theme of TECHNOLOGY & PATRIMONY. The historic center of Angra do Heroismo will host the event from 12 to 15 October 2023.

Angra do Heroísmo is particularly relevant due to its inclusion on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1983 – the first of its kind in Portugal, because of its geostrategic location as a mandatory stopover for African and Indian fleets, and as a key milestone in maritime exploration throughout History. The city's historical nature was preserved after the 1980 earthquake.


As part of the 40th anniversary of its inscription on the UNESCO list, Angra do Heroísmo will host the benchmark event in the Cultural Heritage sector in 2023. This edition of AR&PA - Iberian Biennial of Cultural Heritage also celebrates the 10th anniversary of the event in Portuguese territory.

Empresas de design de equipamento, tecnologia, serviços de mediação, projectos de desenvolvimento local de base territorial, universidades e agentes de I&D, entidades públicas com responsabilidades no campo da Cultura, do Património Cultural e do Turismo, rotas temáticas, serviços de comunicação, oferta formativa, projectos europeus, entre muitos outros serão bem-vindos no novo espaço do certame, que este ano acontece na Feria de Valladolid

Adicionalmente e como é hábito, a AR-PA dedica uma parte da sua programação aos jovens e às famílias, com um conjunto de actividades merecedoras de interesse, contributivas da divulgação e promotoras do maior usufruto do Património Cultural por parte de todos. 

A Spira – como de há 10 anos a esta parte – é a parceira portuguesa da Junta de Castela & Leão na organização deste certame: todas as empresas e instituições portuguesas poderão marcar presença na renovada AR-PA espanhola com stand, programação específica e integração nas dinâmicas comuns a todos os expositores.

What is AR&PA - Iberian Biennial of Cultural Heritage?

As a benchmark event in the Cultural Heritage sector in Portugal, AR&PA - Iberian Biennial of Cultural Heritage is a meeting point and a discussion forum for professionals and institutions committed to Cultural Heritage. The exhibition area, the diversity of scientific and occupational activities and the social, playful, and educational programming create a one-time event, a benchmark in the sector, and illustrate how cultural heritage can be an endless source of inspiration for all.


AR&PA - Iberian Biennial of Cultural Heritage combines the Bienal de la Restauración y Gestión del Patrimonio AR&PA promoted by the Junta de Castilla & Leon, in Valladolid since 1998, with the Heritage Fair, created in Portugal in 2013 by Spira – revitalização patrimonial.​

Spira organizes the Iberian Biennial in partnership with the Ministry of Culture / DGPC (Directorate General for Cultural Heritage), the Ministry of Economy / Turismo de Portugal, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs / AICEP - Portugal Global, the Junta de Castilla y León and the Millennium BCP Foundation, under the high patronage of the Presidency of the Republic, and with the institutional support of the National Commission for UNESCO.

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